Saturday, May 9, 2009

Total agony

Pleasemygod. My leg is effing pain and the pain is soo agonising.

Went to California Fitness yesterday. Must have over-exercised. Ouchies.

Worked out continuously for 3 & a half hours. The maniac in me. =/

gah.super gah. yesterday this same pain almost killed my sleep. i woke up in the middle of the night, wriggling around on the bed because the pain from my calf muscle jolted me from my sleep.

I swear, the pain was the worst I've ever felt. even worst than the monthly one. I wasn't even twitching a muscle, just being stationary there and the pain kept goin after my muscles. =(

Somehow (fortunately) I fell asleep in the midst of all that pain and awoke to a (less) sore leg. But still, I ve been pretty helpless today. I cant stand around much. Makes me feel like a footballer who has snapped his hamstring or something.

Now the pain is still there and I can't help but wonder how on earth am i ever going to walk around TARC campus on monday? the thought just gives me the jitters. :(

pleasegod. i swear i will go easy on the stretching next time. pls? =/

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