counting down......
2009 is knocking on our doors soon!
lets usher in 2009 with a smile =) on our face! =D
forget all the sadness unhappiness and anger in the past year
and welcome new hope and new beginnings with open arms
cheers pals! xD
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
49 mins to 2009!
Scribbled by
Little Miss Audrey
7:11 AM
Monday, December 29, 2008
tagged by zengie~
Bold the statements that are true;
Italicize the statements you wish were true;
Leave the fibs alone.
Then, stab 5 people to do the tag.
I’m 170cm + tall.
I don’t know what I want at the moment.
I’m not happy.
I hate my friends.
I hate my life.
I hate my grades.
He drives.
I’m bored of driving.
I have a white handbag.
I go clubbing every week.
Shopping is bullshit.
I have a tattoo of a star.
I got my navel pierced.
I have friends that take drugs.
90% of my friends smoke.
I’m studying Fashion.
I have a business running.
I hate cartoons.
I hate someone.
I have 10 handbags.
I buy PLAYBOY/PLAYGIRL every month.
I don’t have faith in the current “one”.
My school mates know about my blog.
I wanted to be a fashion designer.
Wanted, past-tense.
I love emo rock bands.
I hate it when people cancel last minute meet ups.
I’m a rebel.
I started wearing dresses.
I don't believe in love.
High school's filled with drama.
My parents have faith in me.
Maybe a little too much faith.
I’ve bought shoes this month.
A blogger bitched about me before.
I hate sports.
I heart Italian food.
I hate meeting new people.
I hate nail polish.
The mother bear gives me hugs.
People should start appreciating me.
High school was the worst time of my life.
I have cool hair.
Oh I think so, say all you want.
One Utama is my second home.
I’m a guy.
I’m scared of my Biology exam.
I hate vacations.
We’ll last.
I believe in long distance relationships.
I’m going to get high and smoke weed one day soon.
A very small possibility?
I’ve robbed an old lady.
I’m starting to like applying make-up.
I was stupid.
At times I think I still am a stupid.
I love bitching about people behind their backs.
I hate surprise parties.I hate planning parties.
I’m a sinner.
I have a Wii.
I can't live without music.
Video games are a waste of time.
I miss the father bear.
I love being in love.
I know how to cook.
I have 100% freedom.
I hate Math.
I love horror films.
I’m happy with what I have.
I slept in my parents’ room for 3 days after watching Scream when I was a kid.
My old friends keep in touch with me.
I don’t read newspapers.
The news is such a waste of time.
Blogging is a waste of time.
I hate animals.
I can’t live without make-up.
I curse like a pirate.
I’m happy with my 11 year old car.
I hate people that are smart.
I love Apple Juice.
I can’t drink for nuts.
I believe that everyone in their teens have lost their virginity.
I’ve got a new phone.
I’m going to get a new pair of shoes by the end of this month.
I love clubbing.
I haven’t worked out since March.
I love my friends and family.
I'm hot.
What can I say? I'm sexy.
Shu Ni
Scribbled by
Little Miss Audrey
1:18 AM
Friday, December 26, 2008
Neway with my couzzies
Cassie and Me (isn't she cute?)
Cassie aka Cassandra, me, alexis aka lovebug
me & hawt alexis
3 hawties *clears throat* should be 2 hawties only....xP
aiks..i've left out cassie
cassie where are u looking?
do we look alike? *grins*
i bet we do
look at her long hands! *envies*
my two couzzies! love them! =D
woke up on christmas eve and headed to neway opposite leisure mall to have our k-lunch or thats what alexis calls it. [sing k + lunch].reached there a tad late[aiks] and we wasted alot of time changing rooms. this was due to the updating of the server. as a result, quite a number of songs weren't in the computer and we got quite frustrated...after all the trouble, finally we found a room where the karaoke machine will not have an annoying tendency to belt out christmas songs..seriously i was gettin pissed by rudolph the red nose reindeer or what my true love gave to me on xmas [three hens, dont know what else] [its a xmas song] . in the end, i have to be contented with singing chinese songs, even though they seem like alien to me now, due to my insistence on listening to only english songs[how un-chinese of me] .
after the singing session, went to elianto as my tall couzzie wants to buy some beauty products. then, off to sg wang. grr, and get stucked in the middle of traffic again. gah, kl. then, after all the trouble of crawling through the city, to our utmost dismay, the road to sg wang was sealed off! dont know for what..maybe xmas party or something. grr and we have to make one big U-turn . finally reached there at 4 something. Headed straight to T-hop [6th floor]. Cassie bought a mini jacket and a spaghetti strap blouse? i bought a black hoodie cardigan, alexis bought an adorable baby frock blouse.
rushed back and joined my mum , aunts , grannie and uncle for dinner.
Scribbled by
Little Miss Audrey
10:34 PM
Sunday, December 21, 2008
this is cute! copied it from mee kuan's blog.just did it for fun. =P
Do the “Letter MEME”. Tag no less than 5 other people, and leave them a comment, informing them that they have been tagged. Then copy the “How-to” Letter Meme, and finish your Journal entry.
-> How you do the Letter Meme:
Dear ________(the last person who left a comment on your blog/journal):
I don’t really know how to tell you this, but ___1___. I think I realized it ___2___ ___3___ and I saw you ___4___ ___5___. I’m sure you’re ___6___ enough to understand ___7___. I’m returning ___8___ to you, but I’ll keep ___9___ as a memory. You should also know that I ___10___ ___11___ .
-Your name-
Just fill in the blanks on top based on the answers you are gonna choose below.
*Results at the bottom of this post*
1. What’s the color of your shirt?
Blue - Our romance is over
Red - Our affair is over
White - I’ll join the monastery
Black - I dislike you
Green - Our horoscope doesn’t match
Grey - You’re a pervert
Yellow - I’m selling myself
Pink - Your nostrils are insulting
Brown - The mafia wants you
No shirt - You’re a loser
Other - I’m in love with your sister
2. Which is your birth month?
January - That night
February - Last year
March - When your dwarf bit me
April - When I tripped on sesame seeds
May - First of May
June - When you put cuffs on me
July - When I threw up
August - When I saw the shrunken head
September - When we skinny dipped
October - When I quoted Santa
November - When your dog ran amok
December - When I changed tennis shoes
3. Which food do you prefer?
Tacos - In your apartment
Pizza - In your camping car
Pasta - Outside of Chicago
Hamburgers - Under the bus
Salad - As you ate enchilada
Chicken - In your closet
Kebab - With Paris Hilton
Fish - In women’s clothing
Sandwiches - At the Hare Krishna graduation
Lasagna - At the mental hospital
Hot dog - Under a state of trance
None of the above - With George Bush and his wife
4. What’s the color of your socks?
Yellow - Hit on
Red - Insult
Black - Ignore
Blue - Knock out
Purple - Pour syrup on
White - Carve your initials into
Grey - Pull the clothes off
Brown - Put leeches on
Orange - Castrate
Pink - Pull the toupee off
Barefoot - Sit on
Other - Drive out
5. What’s the color of your underwear?
Black - My best friend
White - My father
Grey - Bill Clinton
Brown - My fart balloon
Purple - My mustard soufflé
Red - Donald Duck
Blue - My avocado plant
Yellow - My penpal in Ghana
Orange - My Kid Rock-collection
Pink - Manchester United’s goalkeeper
None - My John F. Kennedy-statue
Other - The crazy monk
6. What do you prefer to watch on TV?
Scrubs - Man
O.C. - Emotional
One Tree Hill - Open
Heroes - Frostbitten
Lost - High
House - Scared
Simpsons - Cowardly
The news - Mongolic
Idol - Masochistic
Family Guy - Senile
Top Model - Middle-class
None of the above - Ashamed
7. Your mood right now?
Happy - How awful I’ve felt
Sad - How boring you are
Bored - That Santa doesn’t exist
Angry - That your pimples are at the last stage
Depressed - That we’re cousins
Excited - That there is no solution to this
Nervous - The middle-east
Worried - That your Honda sucks
Apathetic - That I did a sex-change
Ashamed - That I’m allergic to your hamster
Cuddly - That I get turned on by garbage men
Overjoyous - That I’m open
Other - That Extreme Home Makeover sucks
8. What’s the color of your walls in your bedroom?
White - Your ring
Yellow - Your love letters
Red - Your Darth Vader-poster
Black - Your tame stone
Blue - The couch cushions
Green - The pictures from LA
Orange - Your false teeth
Brown - Your contact book
Grey - Our matching snoopy-bibs
Purple - Your old lottery coupons
Pink - How awful I’ve felt
Other - Your memories from the military service
9. The first letter of your first name?
A/B - Your photo
C/D - The oil stocks
E/F - Your neighbour Martin
G/H - My virginity
I/J - The results of your blood-sample
K/L - Your left ear
M/N - Your suicide note
O/P - My common sense
Q/R - Your mom
S/T - Your collection of butterflies
U/V - Your criminal record
W/X - David’s tricot outfits
Y/Z - Your grades from college
10. The last letter in your last name?
A/B - Hate your guts
C/D - Never will forget
E/F - Always wanted to break
G/H - Never openly mocked
I/J - Always have felt dirty before
K/L - Will tell the authorities about
M/N - Told in my confession today about
O/P - Was interviewed by the Times about
Q/R - Told my psychiatrist about
S/T - Get sick when I think of
U/V - Always will try to forget
W/X - Am better off without
Y/Z - Never liked
11. What do you prefer to drink?
Water- Our friendship
Beer - Senility
Soft drink - A new life as a clone
Soda - The incarnation as an eskimo
Milk - The apartment building
Wine - Cocaine abuse
Cider - A passionate interest for mice
Juice - Oprah Winfrey imitations
Mineral water - Embarrassing rash
Hot chocolate - Eggplant-fetishism
Whisky - To ruin the second world war
Other - To hate the Boston Celtics
12. To which country would you prefer to go on a vacation?
Thailand - Warm regards
USA - Best regards
England - Good luck on your short-term leave from jail
Spain - Go and drown yourself
China - Disgusting regards
Germany - With ease
Japan - Go burn
Greece - Your everlasting enemy
Australia - Greetings to your frog Leonard
Egypt - Fuck off now
France - In pain
Dear Pui Teng,
I don't really know how to tell you this, but our affair is over. I think I realized it when I threw up outside of Chicago and I saw you sit on my father . I'm sure you're middle-class enough to understand that there is no solution to this. I'm returning your ring to you, but I'll keep your photo as a memory. You should also know that I told my psychiatrist about the apartment building.
Good luck on your short term leave from jail,
Scribbled by
Little Miss Audrey
7:41 PM
Friday, December 19, 2008
Bella Noche- Surian Prom Night 2008
Me~on the way to Hotel Maya
Von., Steph, me
half bo
in the toilet lol [poser me]
me & kelly, form 1 classmates
me & kah yerng
3 musketeers, kai tian, giap chin & jiunn huah
roses for girls..
the 1st performance- FIRE MAN! i captured a nice shot[hehehe]
*blows fire like nobody's business*
OMG! close-up scary man! *phew*
The next American Idol? lol swee pheng aka ray aka leng lui(xP) doing her rendition of celine dion's "My heart will go on"
Me & Michelle aka Xiao Mi
The F.R.I.E.N.D.S performing their dance
Mr John aka Perasan Guy (LOL), showing us some magic tricks all the while presuming we're kids!
Yen Lai, one of the volunteers
Superman...u! Superman..u! [Soulja boy ] Zhen Zhe, me, kah yan, xin yi, yvonne
Michelle, cutting a rose? with vengeance? lol
Me & Sher Yi Me & Jiunn Huah...the bowtie is funny..[no offence]
Newly crowned Prom King and Queen, Jin Fai & Bell
Kar Lin, Me, kelly wong, kah yerng, june, set,mee kuan
Me & Set
me & Junee
. Me & Faith! good event organiser..kudos girl! Me & Giap Chin
Me & Miss Kelly Wong
XINDII! and me
mr. John aka Self-proclaimed Handsome(LOL), the ventriloquist
Me & Chy Munn
Me & The Prom Queen. Bell
Me & Kah Yan
Me& Lily
me& Zhen Zhe zzzzzz
Me & Hui cheng aka Ashley
Me & Mr K
Me & peggy
Me & Steph, last pic of the the toilet! LMAO
---------------------------------THE END------------------------
Scribbled by
Little Miss Audrey
7:02 PM