Wednesday, December 19, 2007

What Boys need to do to keep their girl happy:

1. Don't think that once she's yours, she's yours forever.

Girls are sensitive human beings and they desire to be showered with love, care, and yes, even gifts. Don't assume that once she is attached to you, you can rest on your laurels. Show your affection to her regularly and not only on special occasions (i.e Valentines Day). Show her how much u appreciate her existence in your life. The worst mistake that guys make is ignore their girlfriends while they are busy partying, hanging out with their roomies, playing sports, etc.

2. Promises are meant to be kept, don't break yours.

A girl always remembers her man's promise, so don't think that you can cheat her by breaking the promise you made to her. Always think before you promise her something, whether it is a gift or a chore you will do for her. Girls detest empty promises, even a simple promise that a boy makes, like : I will call u tonight. Forgetfulness or a hectic schedule are lame excuses for empty promises.

3. A girl is not an investment or a thing that belongs to you.

If you pursue a girl's heart, just to show to your friends what a heartthrob or how macho you are, forget it. Girls are not your accesories and they are not to be displayed to your adoring public. Don't expect any sexual pleasures in return when you shower a girl with lavish gifts or even buy her a luxury condo.Also, do not pressure your girl about sex. Some girls are shy and they do not like to display their affection for you frequently or in public. Don't think that just because she doesn't kiss you that often, she doesn't like you.

4. Sweet-talking is essential, but don't overdo it.

Don't talk to your girl everytime as if you have just swallowed a whole bar of candy. Keep your praise short, sincere and sweet. If you overdo it, your sweet-talking may lose its authenticity and value. Also, take note that some girls do not like mushy declarations of love for her. She may just deem you as annoying and dump u without any warning.

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