Friday, October 12, 2007

COOL! made my own blogskin..nah..blowing own trumpet..haha..

i just designed the background in fireworks..was quick work..less than 1 hr than kao tim liau..

but i love it..i have no idea why..maybe because it's personalised to show my style..

and my style is pink and all glittery..get it? =D

wow..that means i can design a blogskin! yippee! sweat..just copy the html from other skins then modify a bit..than ..TA-DAH!

gonna work on this new "mission" soon...

wow. 2.47 already. 4 + hours to party time.

anyways happy birthday to my lil' sis pui teng.

u know, the kai muii..not the real sis ..for those who don't know that i'm anak tunggal..

gotta go jusco buy pressies for her afterwards..shh..don't tell her that..akakaz..

wow..can't wait for tomorrow! finally i will reunite with my fellow shopaholic ahahaha

ok..sorry..gone nuts..sot jor...tomorrow we're off to 1Utama

monday to the gardens in mid valley..then movie time in gsc...BOURNE ULTIMATUM

hmm..actually i have to admit i've never seen a bourne movie before..aikz?

nevermind this movie is not about understanding the story right? its about ogling at matt damon(wow he sure is yeng in bourne films) and just witnessing the action unfold before your eyes...

woke up at 8.55 am this morn just to book tickets online...big sacrifice neh?

ok folks..later..i've been jamming this computer since "merdeka" dun wanna jam it till i can't play...

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