zzzzz.......haha....i dosed off...haha...not exactly...but today was the inaugural mag meeting with the whole committee (includin teachers) with Pn. maimunah and mr yu....and the result was some people "zhong sang"(kena marah). Pity, pity. I thank my lucky stars as I'm in ads. Before that I was really cursing my luck. "Why put me in ad wan? U think i know how to talk meh?" etc etc. I was at first kind of hoping for the special article part(and don't want to lie to myself-the editor's post) but i got ads . Sigh. But now i cherish the job much. I'm like the father, and set Wern's like the mother(the two breadwinners of the family) of the MAGAZINE family. And although i was always mentioned while they are constantly fightin bout "Vertical or horizontal" issue (eg: Editor: Horizontal la! special a bit ma... Others: Vertical easier to work on...if wan special den hard cover or paper quality better la! Then they wil turn to me and with the same words I've heard like, a thousand times: "Neh, bergantung pada u la, audrey.") Sighs. But i enjoy this experience cuz i fought against my nerves. Really! I have these nerves to talk to ppl on the phone...unless it is somebody i know very well....so imagine when...i'm in ads...i'm so freakin out that time...but at least now i'm a more sociable and open person... and i know i have the convincing power(hello? i would like to invite you to advertise in our school..no, its not free..). Last time when i read the school mag i always paid attention to the editor, asst editor, special articles..i think now also ppl have this mentality when they read the mag..but i for one know the importance of ad department...no ad....no $..no mag...wakakakz...syok sendiri >.<
Friday, June 22, 2007
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
iiiiii GOT TAGGED~by ashley!!! ^^
Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4.:[well,good on him for doing something about it..]
Stretch your left arm out as far as you can:[grab the telly remote???]
What is the last thing you watched on TV?:[Rafael Nadal vs Roger Federer final].
If you're given a chance, name 5 person whom you wish to meet and talk to?*GOD!!!!*Steven Gerrard!!!!*a cute guy with six packs,blonde hair and BLUE EYES!!!goddamn hot!!!!!*Angelina Jolie!(she looks like a Greek goddess)*Rafael Nadal~he's cute!(spanish guys r hot)*
Without looking, guess what time it is::6.10pm Now look at the clock. What is the actual time?:5.42pm (i'm advanced xD)
With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?:my own inhaling and exhaling .
When did you last step outside? What were you doing?:This morning. go 2 school la... ^^
Before you started this survey, what did you look at?:The mirror .
What are you wearing?:T-shirt with short pants.Did you dream last night?:Maybe.Cant remember LOL*.
When did you last laugh?:Today(i laugh everyday)*.
What are on the walls you are in?:plain white.
Seen anything weird lately?:A cockroach?*.
What do you think of this quiz?:It's wasting my time, but i'm addicted to it*.
What is the last film you saw?:John Tucker Must Die(i'm backdated on films)*.
If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?*a SONY PSP*sony cybershot in pink*a villa in Beverly Hills*tonnes of books*some boutique chain*a personalised mini cooper*lots of liverpool merchandise*bags and bags of designer label clothes*sekolah seri suria*(>.<)
Tell me something about you that I don't know.:Sometime i think i'm ugly,sometimes i think im pretty.*
could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?:change people's bias perception of the pretty and the ugly.
GeoargeBush: got human with this name meh?
Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?:Abigail (so i can call her abby)^^
Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?:Leng zai lucas(short form:luke)
you ever consider living abroad?:SURE!! england!!
What do you want God to say to you when you reach the pearly gates?:you live happily ever after in heaven
Tag 5 people who must also do this in THEIR journal
1.Kah yip(john)
Scribbled by
Little Miss Audrey
2:23 AM
Sunday, June 10, 2007
yeeeerr---school will start soon and i sure will miss my blog de~and my blogger pals~! LOL.
well, thought that wanna post one last post b4 school starts tomorrow.xD
i'm sOooO into gaming these few days-not online gaming, but mobile gaming. >.<
Logged onto uwants.com and discovered these treasures:
1. New York Nights [Gameloft]
Basically, all the good stuff come from Gameloft and this is not an exception. I sOOO love Sims-like games (where u can personalise ur human, make them eat, arrange for them to date and then smooch xD) so i checked out this one. Nice stuff. The character is based in New York, the busy metropolitan and the characters have to succeed in looks, popularity, love and of course career! Well, had a blast playin it~couldn't put down my phone...so..4 out of 5 stars would be fair huh?
2. Gangstar Crime City [Gameloft]
Play as a thug here and u get to kick the hell out of a cop. Erm actually, gun him down more like. U are assigned missions by the mob boss which involves a lot og human slaying. Hmm..interesting. I like a bit violence in my games (not that I'm a future lunatic or wat)but not over-extreme and this suits my taste. Would give 3 out of 5 for this one.
3.Strip Club Manager [Gameloft]
OOh...u sure say hamsap thingy de! haha..no my mind is not polluted...just trying out this game..but there is nothing 18 SX bout it...in fact it is quite modest..for a strip club...3.5 out of 5 for this thingy.....
will check out more games at uwants after this post...till later ~! ciao
Scribbled by
Little Miss Audrey
4:28 AM
Thursday, June 7, 2007
birthday wishes~
wheee----! haha..after my bad mood today subsided, i kept thinking bout my birthday which is less than a month away, only thing is i have to go through an obstacle before it-E.X.A.M
shudders! but luckily my birthday is on the last day of strenous exams....but boohoo the paper on that day is Physics.. i was kinda hoping for chemistry ...which is the easiest science subject now....shhh...dun let mr yu see that..after he set an "insane" paper 4 us...LOL...
Talking bout birthdays, here's my birthday wishlist: (some fantasy, others reality)
1. a SONY PSP in pink (Fantasy!)
2. a SONY walkman in pink (Fantasy + Reality)
3. a Harry Potter 7th book (Reality)
4. a Steven Gerrard autobiography (Reality)
5. a pair of Zara boots (Reality + Fantasy)
6. a Roxy bag(Reality)
7. a taller ME (definitely Reality!lol)
8. a FULL As report card (Reality-hopefully)
9. a pair of MCKY sneakers(Reality)
10. a Vaio pink notebook (FANTASYYYY!!!)
11. a new purse (Reality)
will update it soon if got more~refer to my brain...=)
Scribbled by
Little Miss Audrey
4:54 AM
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
i'm officially grief-stricken. Helpless. Crushed. Big huge major disappointment. Only yesterday i was in such a jovial mood and now my spirit is like so down to ground zero. Me, bursting with anticipation and excitement, rising early in the morning just to be dealt a huge blow to my hopes of having fun by my mother. Sigh. "I'm afraid that you can't go to Times Square today" was all she said. I was shocked at the greeting when i knocked at her bedroom door, expecting to see her up and about getting ready. "WHYY???" i blurted. "Because your dad is not free today. He has some urgent urusan penting nak buat" . That really axed my heart. Because Mum does not know the route to TS. Only dad knows. So, with one last glimmer of hope, i asked"Can i sit Steph's car to TS?" "NO" was the reply. What was my reply? of course tears la. To be let down on the day of the occasion is a huge upset to me. And i'm a person who hates unfulfilled promises. REALLY REALLY DESPISES it. That's why i went to my room and released my anger.----and of cos now that i'm typing it, i'm in a better mood. So now they promised me that I can go out on my birthday. Mark your words, mr and mrs. When my dad explained to me about the matter, i snapped"Next time be careful what you promise me" That's true right?
So to Ash, thanks for the two words, but i think i will simpan it till 6 july.
Scribbled by
Little Miss Audrey
11:00 PM
"land ahoy! land ahoy! ah...i see Times Square" says the pirate onboard the Flying Dutchman.
haha...guess who the pirate is? ME la, of cos. Cos' finally i can go to Times Square! Weeeeeee----
finally, i can take those pics where the background is all sparkly and mostly pink XD, u know those photo booths in Sungai Wang? Well, TS has that too~finally~! the pics are not that genuine, since ur face tambah white in the photo(bleached by chlorox) and ur eyes look BIGGER which is a plus for me, being single-eyelided(is that why so many people regard me as a Japanese? i think i can be a Japanese impostor student and people also don't know >.<).
And of cos can go Neway la~sing sing sing~! but donno i dare to sing or not 1st...DAMN so many guys at there..after off-pitch how? Very damn fish paiseh----
And....I'm finally gonna see POTC--don't get me wrong, i'm not a POTC fan, in fact i didn't even watch the first two movies...so tomorrow i go into the cinema sure i blur blur de....>.<
Haha...and before signing off, i want share this cute pic(again!) of Mr Yu with you all.
Reality: Mr Yu loves publicity. The camera loves him. He loves the camera. Happy ever after.LOL--
eh, MR YU you were so BUSY flashing your COLGATE smile
at the camera that you didn't notice CIK IDA wanna punch u liau arh
okay guys will be back with some news tomorrow~and hopefully some pics! wish me fun------->.<
Scribbled by
Little Miss Audrey
3:16 AM
Monday, June 4, 2007
now that's the raging issue again: Leisure Mall or Times Square. This time Sunway is a far, far away option(result of being banned from going to Sunway with my friends by my parents until I'm matured enough to go there-swt) but I'm still left with the hassle of deciding between two seemingly-common shopping trips.(maybe to you,but not to me, i anggap shopping trips as treats and therefore choosing the right venue is essential) And the issue, is not whether I want to go to which one, but which one am I ALLOWED to go to? And yeah, i have to pick one preference so that when the "you're not going shopping with your friends again, are you" discussion with my parents is ongoing, I can attempt to defend my choice of venue(like a debate or something).
So lets again discuss the PROS and CONS of the two shortlisted venues
a) Leisure Mall- another dull venue, mostly visited by me and my family when in need of some entertainment but lazy to drive to KL, and virtually I'm very familiar(suk) with the area already. And it is fun-deprived excluding the Neway outlet a street away and the mini-arcade in the top floor. Okay, don't ask me to try the cinema because although there are blockbusters this time of the year, I really couldn't bother less.
However, it is near and will save the hassle of me being grumbled by my father or worse, being late for the shopping trip, much to the annoyance of my always-as-usual-punctual friends.
And, this is the 1st time I'm going out with Kar Lin and Kah Yerng and Yi Fei, having known them for so long.
b) Times Square-everything about this place yells FUN(ok wait i'm not entirely honest with myself, who can when SUNGAI WANG is just within walking distance) SUNGAI WANG! fashion haven and places for entertainment seekers! Well, at least in Times Square, you have the photo booths(where you take very-photogenic pics) and the KTV and the theme park(although i heard it is quite a hazard??)and what else??? See, i told you, i have to go to Times Square, i really seriously DON'T know this place well. And you can cross over to SUNGAI WANG, where there is a haunted adventure thingy and more photo booths~AAH!although i'm know i'm cash-deprived ,.but wat the hell? Thinkin of it sure is FUN.
Traffic jam, honking, traffic police, more honking. That's the way to describe the route to TIMES SQUARE. This would get my father VERY IRRITATED. seriously. he would go like: don't ever go to TIMES SQUARE with your friends again, ok? do u get me?" NO, papa,i dont and I would like to continue going to TIMES SQUARE on a long-term basis. Got it?
But NOW, all i have to worry is how to open my mouth to ask for chance or (beg for) to go out with my friends. I know, i know, this is a revision-based holiday but a girl has to have fun sometimes right? But this is a controversial issue in the household and how lucky if I'm 21 now and a free adult and I don't need to wait till the eleventh hour to ask them" Please....CAN I GO???? pleeeeaaasssssseeeeeeee------
Scribbled by
Little Miss Audrey
2:06 AM
Saturday, June 2, 2007
this is one subject i must blog on. The headlines in the tabloids today reportedly said that DAVID BECKHAM is considered for knighthood,which brings the title "Sir". For me, it is too early to judge whether Becks services to football deserves a SIR or not. Look at him, still young and has just recently earned back his England place. And next, he is moving to LA GALAXY. Is that an English club??? And yes, i know he has captained England for a long period,but what did he captain them to? World cup heartbreak? Knocked out by Portugal on PENALTIES? Or Euro 2004 heartbreak? On penalties to Portugal AGAIN?? Well, if I were the Queen. I would certainly wait for becks to retire entirely from football, and WAIT not yet, see if he takes up a managerial post. That would be Sir-quality if he manages to guide a team to the right direction as both manager and player. But now. it is too early to say if he deserves knighthood. MBE maybe. And he already has one. Well if Becks is knighted, I wouldn't leave out STEVEN GERRARD too. Not because he's my fav player, but because his services to English football matches Becks. Maybe even more. He led Liverpool. an English club to two Champion League finals in three years, and that is a great feat. And he actually won ONE.
So now, lets just let this issue rest and let Beckham bend it. =P
Scribbled by
Little Miss Audrey
2:28 AM
Friday, June 1, 2007
so sorry guys but i gotta stop updatin my blog for a few days. mumma is gonna bash me soon if i dont start revision.anyways will update ASAP. ciao!
Scribbled by
Little Miss Audrey
10:56 PM