Saturday, July 21, 2007

more pixxxiesss exhausted flat out..i'm gonna doze off soon..but 1st..wanna update me good old blog 1st....

just came back from a function(opening ceremony of some yoga studio which is owned by my mum's buddy) legs ache so much, as a result of too much standing....who ask me to wear skirt jek? *groans* (my mum)

the function actually started at 6.30 pm but we arrived at 8.00 pm, which is VERY LATE. what to do? i've account tuition til 5 something. then i come back and shower and then my mum shower and then she make up and then i make my hair. so all these consumes about 2 hours. Haha. Geng rite?

Anyway. Back to the function. *sighs* don't know what to say about it. speech-less.
a) too much people. oops its too many people. if you are in a copter or something then you will see alot of human ants swarming around. (oops swarming is for bees-whats wrong with my eng today?)
b) those people(adults) know each other very well and there aren't many teens. If there are, they are just sitting there or mundar-mandir (like me) because they are only giving face to their parents for u can imagine my dismay at this 4-hour bore-me-to-death period.

c) the people (especially the women...which I wouldn't want to be like them when i mature) are talking an unusual amount of crap. some even talking "crab"(in cantonese-know what i mean hor?). not my mum anyway. she has this bored look on her. i know it even though she keeps pretending to smile but i can see that she is fed up with all these women.

d)The hubby of the hostess thinks he is highly amusing and entertaining by uttering total nonsense and again *groans* more crabby stuff.

e)I can't bloody sit because i'm wearing this bloody mini which my mother so insist on.
my legs bloody ache and my neck is stiff. ouch. i think i hear a snap.

f) I was going to die of hunger on account of the food coming an extra hour late. good service, ladies and gentleman?

i would give this outing a rating of B- =)

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